Cadson Aims

To provide quality pharmacy education & research that contributes significantly to improve health care system of the society, through intra disciplinary approach.”

Cadson Vision

“Better Health through Awareness”

Cadson Objectives

  • To provide comprehensive pharmacy education to cope the challenges of pharmaceutical care of our health apparatus
  • To produce quality pharmacists capable of steering the helm of affairs of our pharmaceutical industry
  • To foster an environment that enables graduates to acquire knowledge, analytical skills, problem solving attitude and ethical values necessary to enter pharmacy practice and provide patient centered pharmacy services
  • To promote collaboration with other health professions to materialize the concept of rational and cost-effective drug use for health promotion and illness prevention of the society.
  • To educate the community misuse/mishandling or compliance of medicines through various civic engagement modules.


Message from Principal

Its great honor and respect for me to be pioneer Principal of Cadson College of Pharmacy. As being an educationist, I am always determined to make efficient and transparent administration. The environment will be made conducive to learning, equipping the youth with the practical knowledge so that our graduates may prove a beneficial addition to under developed society. Co-curricular activities..


Message from Director

My strong exposure of advance world of Europe for more than forty years made me realize the importance of Pharmacist in health care system. While being resident of developed country of France, it was my dream to serve my native homeland particularly through providing quality education. I believe that for developing brilliance of minds, dedicated environment is essential...


Cadson College location